Math from all angles: Photomath for different learning styles

Have you ever heard something explained the same way over and over again, and you just didn’t get it… until one day, somebody explains it a liiiittle differently, and suddenly it just clicks?
Believe it or not, that’s a pretty common rollercoaster in learning: from I don’t get this to I’ll never get this — and then, when you least expect it, the lightbulb moment of Wait, I actually get this!
It doesn’t mean you’re weird or stupid or easily confused.
It doesn’t even mean that things weren’t explained well the first time.
It’s just proof that people learn differently.
At Photomath, we know that math learning isn’t one-size-fits-all, but we often see it treated like that. Textbooks, worksheets, quizzes… it all seems very cut and dry.
But that’s the cool thing about math! It may seem like there’s only one way to do something, but when you dig a little deeper, there are so many ways to get where you need to go.
The same is true for learning: All learners won’t take the same route to understanding.
What are different learning styles?
Not everyone learns the same way or through the same methods. It depends who you ask, but there are a few learning styles that are pretty widely recognized:
- Auditory learners learn best by listening to an explanation or talking it out.
- Visual learners understand concepts better when they can see the relationship between pieces of information, like with diagrams or graphs.
- Kinesthetic learners are hands-on and learn best through active, physical experience.
- Logical/analytical learners like facts, statistics, and logical connections.
- Verbal learners learn best through words, whether it’s reading, writing, or both.
There are so many different types of learners in the world, and many may not fit neatly into one category. The truth is that everyone learns in their own unique way, and that should be embraced and celebrated!
How can different types of learners use Photomath?
While it can be difficult to cater to all types of learners at the same time, we like to think that Photomath offers something for everyone.
Here are a few of our favorite features that can help different types of learners finally feel confident in math:
Step-by-step explanations
Our detailed explanations break your problem into bite-sized bits that allow you to set your own pace. While virtually every learner can benefit from this step-by-step approach, we think our in-depth explanations are especially helpful for visual, verbal, and logical learners.
There’s also another hidden benefit: Did you know that writing something out can actually help you remember it better? Lots of us take notes with our phones or computers because it’s so easy, but the physical act of writing has been shown to cement concepts in our brains more effectively (This can also help kinesthetic learners experience the mathematical process more directly!). That’s why we always recommend not only following along to our detailed steps, but writing them out on a separate piece of paper. That way, you’ll remember better when it’s test time!
Animated Tutorials
Visual, kinetic, auditory, verbal, and everything in between — our exclusive Animated Tutorials are a favorite Photomath Plus feature for a reason! Custom animations bring each step to life, accompanied by written-out instructions that you can read or listen to (or both!). They’re pretty cool, if we do say so ourselves. But more importantly, they’re a great way to get out of your head and into the problem itself.
NEW: Animated Steps
We brought something brand new to the app, just in time for back-to-school: Animated Steps! The visual power of our Animated Tutorials is now baked right into certain steps of our explanations. That means you don’t need to try to picture anything in your head or guess how to get from A to B, because you can now see exactly what to do — which is extra helpful if you’re writing along with the steps, too!
Just like Animated Tutorials, Animated Steps help you clear away mental clutter and focus on the journey of that step. Go ahead, visual learners — do a little happy dance!
Interactive graphs
Next time your scan returns a bunch of solution cards, scroll to the graph and try it out! These are a sort of hidden gem in the Photomath app. You can zoom in and out, tap on different pieces for more information, and see definitions in context. This is huge for visual and logical learners, and it may also serve as a sort of immersive digital experience for kinesthetic learners.
No matter how you like to learn, Photomath aims to always have your back. Remember that it’s okay to learn differently from your friends or family (we actually think it’s a good thing!). The way you learn may evolve and change as you grow, and your preferences may be different depending on the subject — so give yourself the time and permission to explore what works for you. We’ll be here whenever you need help finding your lightbulb moment, however you like to learn.